Saturday, October 18, 2014

Wrapping up SOTW II, FINALLY!

At last!  We are finally wrapping up our book from last year so that we can get started on SOTW III.  I certainly hope our winter is not as bad this year!  With our late start and already being behind we will never get finished!

We are currently looking at the last topic in SOTW II:  England and Spain at War, ch. 42 (I think).  This means we get to finally start getting into PIRATES!  Hooray! 

Further reading for the time period:

Adkins, Jan. What if you met a pirate? : an historical voyage of seafaring speculation. Brookfield, Conn. Roaring BrookPress, 2004. 

What If You Met A Pirate?

Gallagher, Jim. Sir Francis Drake and the foundation of a world empire. Philadelphia : Chelsea House Publishers, c2000.  
Humble, Richard. A 16th century galleon. New York : P. Bedrick Books, 1995. 
A 16th Century Galleon 
Hynson, Colin. Elizabeth I & the Spanish Armada. Columbus, Ohio : School Specialty Pub., 2006. 
Malam, John. You wouldn't want to be a pirate's prisoner! : horrible things you'd rather not know.   New York : Franklin Watts, 2002.  
Marrin, Albert. The sea king : Sir Francis Drake and his times. New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, c1995.   My boys love Marrin's books!
Marrin, Albert. Terror of the Spanish Main : Sir Henry Morgan and his buccaneers. New York : Dutton, 1999. 
Matthews, John. Pirates. New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2006. 
Pirates(An interactive book with pop-ups, pull-outs, documents to look at, etc.)
Maynard, Christopher. Pirates! raiders of the high seas. New York, N.Y. : DK Pub., 1998. 
Mortimer, Ian. The time traveler's guide to Elizabethan England [compact disc/unabridged]. Prince Frederick, MD : p2013. 15 sound discs (17 hr., 45 min.) These are gauged as "adult" but give good accounts of daily life in England at this time period if you might be interested in listening to or reading some of it.... 
Mortimer, Ian. The time traveler's guide to Elizabethan England.
Netzley, Patricia D. Pirates. San Diego, CA : Kidhaven Press, c2002.
Real pirates outlaws of the sea. [DVD] :. Visual Materials. Distributed by Questar, 2006.   Some of the pirate related books will cover pirates from all ages and especially the golden age, but we are more interested in the sixteenth century ones right now....
Stanley, Diane. Good Queen Bess : the story of Elizabeth I of England. New York : Four Winds Press, c1990.  (if not already read)
I also asked my student to practice writing backwards, as Leonardo did; I have a little pocket we can tuck that writing into on his timeline (you might try writing with your non-dominant hand, too; try writing in some sort of code, etc.)
I also asked him to tell me who his favorite pirate was of the 1500's and why....

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