Monday, February 14, 2011

Art History Curriculum Resources....

Here are some resources for an Art History study that I've been working on for either next year or ninth grade.  I have also created a notebook of questions, terms, etc. for each week and will happily provide that to anyone who might be interested, as I'm not sure that I can post it here.  Just comment here if you'd like that info and provide me with your email.  I won't post it for others to see. 

This study could also easily be used with other middle school aged children, either with or without the writing component....

Updated as of December 28, 2011.  Updates in bold red.

Art History Resources
Ninth Grade

Anchor works:

DK Annotated Guides:  Art, Robert Cumming, 1995

Sister Wendy’s 1000 Masterpieces, DK, 1999

The Story of Painting, H. W. Janson, et al.  This is a book recommended by Ambleside, etc. as a good "living book" for art history study....

Week 1 introduction to looking at art:

Look!  Zoom in on Art, Gillian Wolfe
Come Look with me: Exploring Landscape Art with Children, Gladys Blizzard
Come Look with me: Enjoying Art with Children, Gladys Blizzard
Puzzle Gallery: Pets, Alfred Knopf, Inc., Macmillan Children’s Books.
DK A Child’s Book of Play in Art, Lucy Micklethwait.
(These books could certainly be skipped or others could be substituted.  They are children’s books.  I happen to already own them and they contain a wealth of questions to help get conversations started and the thought process regarding art appreciation started….)
I also own various sets of art cards and will be using those throughout the year, too, as well as a couple of art card games.

Early Paintings and decorative devices from ancient times:

The Story of Painting, pages 7-21.

Watch Sister Wendy Story of Painting: Early Art.

Watch Masterworks of Western Art: The Northern Renaissance.

Painters of the Caves w/ cave painting kit.

Week 2:

Sister Wendy: pages 10, 72, 88, 112, 161, 174-5, 261 (Giotto); 12 (Fra Angelico)
The Language of Flowers, Marina Heilmeyer – Library

The Story of Painting, pages 22-31.

Complete notebook work.

Sister Wendy: page 148 (Van Eyck); 492 (Van Der Weyden); 48 (Bosch)
Hieronymus Bosch, Jos Koldeweij – Library

The Story of Painting, pages 32-48.

Complete notebook work.

Week 3:
Sister Wendy: page 360 (Piero); 467 (Uccello).
Visit John Chiappone website to review the elements and principles of art.  There is a ton of information at this website and it could be used as a complete humanities program on its own!  (See links section at the end of this document.)

The Story of Painting, pages 48-57 (weeks 3 and 4)

Complete notebook work.

Week 4:

Sister Wendy: pages 51, 272 (Botticelli); 173 (Giorgione).

Visit Teacher Planet website to view the history of art and architecture pages. (see links at end of document)
Begin reading through DK Eyewitness Building

Complete notebook work.

Week 5:

Sister Wendy:  pages 264-5, 424 (Leonardo); 97 (Correggio).

The Story of Painting, pages 58-81(weeks 5-9)

Visit Garden of Praise website to view info on Leonardo and complete worksheet. (see links)
Visit Art Encyclopedia website to view information on Correggio. (see links)

Look at the Codex of Leicester info online at the American Museum of Natural History website.
(see links)

The Codex Leicester, Da Vinci – Library

Look at Da Vinci’s use of sfumato at the National Gallery website. (see links)

Book from home?

Complete notebook work.

Week 6:
Sister Wendy: pages 40, 115, 236, 316-17, 395, 425 (Michelangelo).
Book from home?
Look at Sistine Chapel pictures online at You Tube.
Visit Garden of Praise website to view info on Michelangelo and complete worksheet and quiz.

Complete other notebook work.

Week 7:
Sister Wendy: pages 64, 73, 178, 203, 356, 381, 423,504 (Raphael); 460-61, 504 (Titian).
What Makes a Raphael a Raphael?  Richard Muhlberger
Complete bio and artwork page for each artist. 

Continue with Eyewitness Building

Week 8:
Sister Wendy: page 195 (Grunewald); 90, 147, 211 (Holbein).

Visit Garden of Praise to view info on Holbein and complete worksheet.
Complete notebook work.

Continue Eyewitness Building and Visual Dictionary of Building

Week 9:
Sister Wendy: page 63 (Bruegel); 190 (El Greco).

What Makes a Bruegel and Bruegel? Richard Muhlberger

Visit Dawn’s Brain website and check out Getting to Know the World’s Great Artists: El Greco, Breugel, Mike Venezia, and then use the worksheet about his life that she has posted there.

Visit Garden of Praise website and complete work on Breugel.
Continue Eyewitness Building and Visual Dictionary

Week 10:

Sister Wendy: pages 70, 214, 266, 454 (Caravaggio); 61, 143, 324.404-5, 454 (Rubens).

The Story of Painting, pages 82-101 (weeks 10-13)

Complete notebook work.

Week 11:

Sister Wendy:  pages 30, 61, 132,149,165,216, 254, 268, 285, 384, 424.

What Makes a Rembrandt a Rembrandt?  Richard Muhlberger - Library

View Rembrandt film:  Mike Venezia – 24 minutes – Library

Also use Getting to Know the World’s Great Artists: Rembrandt, Venezia – Library

Complete worksheet from Dawn’s Brain using this book.

Visit Garden of Praise website and complete work there.

Complete notebook work.

Week 12:

Sister Wendy:  pages 137, 370-1 (Poussin); 443 (Steenwyck); 89 (Lorraine).

Poussin Paintings, Robert Rey – Library

Complete notebook work.

Play art card games.

Week 13:

Sister Wendy:  p111, 149, 215, 450, 476 (Vermeer)

Vermeer: the Complete Works, Arthur Wheelock – Library

Visit Garden of Praise website and complete work on Velazquez and Vermeer.

Complete work on Tao-Chi from Month by Month Masterpieces.

Complete notebook work.

Week 14:

Sister Wendy:  pages 250, 489 (Watteau); 32, 68, 196 (Canaletto); 82 (Chardin).

The Story of Painting, pages 102-111 (weeks 14 and 15) 

Canaletto, Adrian Eeles - Library

Chardin, Pierre Rosenberg - Library

Complete notebook work.

Play art card games.

Week 15:

Sister Wendy: pages 62, 407.

The World of Gainsborough, Jonathan Leonard- Library

Look at websites containing 5 genres of paintings (Painting Genres and Edsitement).

Look at Mt. Holyoke website regarding Pastoralism.

Visit Garden of Praise website and complete that work.

Complete notebook work.

Week 16:

Sister Wendy:  page 499 (Wright); 117 (David); 104, 177, 465 (Turner).

The Story of Painting, pages 112-127 (weeks 16-19)

J.M.W. Turner, Peter Ackroyd, John Gage, or Andrew Wilton - Library

Complete notebook work.

Week 17:

Sister Wendy:  pages 186-7.

What Makes a Goya a Goya?  Richard Muhlberger

Francisco Goya, Venezia - Library

Goya, Paola Repelli and/or Patricia Wright - Library

Create hero art.

Visit Garden of Praise and complete that work.

Week 18:

Sister Wendy: pages 169, 220 (Gericault); 92, 111, 207, 407 (Constable).

Constable, Malcolm Cormack - Library

Review Color Theory – use color wheel.

Complete notebook work.

Play art card games.

Week 19:

Sister Wendy:  pages 218, 320 (Hunt); 103, 150 (Courbet).

Complete notebook work.

View film:  Sister Wendy’s Story of Painting: The Age of Revolution

Weeks 20 and 21:

Sister Wendy:  pages 27, 53, 225, 326.

The Story of Painting, pages 128-141 (weeks 20-30)

Look at our coffee table book of Monet’s paintings.

What Makes a Monet a Monet?  Richard Muhlberger
Eyewitness Monet

Complete Monet Art Pak.

Complete notebook work.

Weeks 22 and 23:

Sister Wendy:  pages 75, 119, 271, 383.

Complete Art Pak.

View film:  Ambient Art: Impressionism – Library

Degas and the Dance, Susan Rubin – Library or watch Degas and the Dance, Mischa Scorer

Weeks 24 and 25:

Sister Wendy:  pages 386, 469.

Complete Renoir Art Pak.

View film:  The Impressionists: Renoir – Library

Impressionism and Post-impressionism, Sarah Halliwell – Library

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Ernest Raboff - Library

Week 26:

Sister Wendy:  pages 150, 289, 332, 472 (Manet); 425 (Seurat).

Visit Garden of Praise website and complete work on Seurat.

The Great Art Scandal, Anna Nilsen - Library

Who is the Artist?  DVD, Lorry and Tom Hubbard - Library

Eyewitness Manet - Library

Complete notebook work.

Weeks 27 and 28:

Sister Wendy:  page 180.

Van Gogh, Enrica Crispino – Library

Vincent Van Gogh, Jen Green – Library

Vincent’s Colors, William Lach, Ed. – Library

The Yellow House, Susan Rubin – Library (Van Gogh and Gaugin)

Complete Van Gogh Art Pak.

Complete Month by Month activities.

Weeks 29 and 30:

Sister Wendy:  pages 78-9, 96

Cezanne from A to Z, Marie Sellier – Library

Paul Cezanne, Robert Burleigh – Library

View Film:  Cezanne in Provence, Jackson Frost - Library

Complete Cezanne Art Pak.

Complete notebook work.

Weeks 31 and 32:

Sister Wendy: pages 57, 135, 182-3, 192, 309, 359.

The Story of Painting, pages 142-160 (to end of year)

Masters of Art:  Picasso, Stefano Loria

Complete Picasso Art Pak.

Before They Were Famous, Bob Raczka – Library

A Day with Picasso, Susanne Pfleger - Library

Introducing Picasso, Juliet Heslewood - Library

Pablo Picasso, Linda Lowery - Library

A Weekend with Picasso, Florian Rodari - Library

Complete notebook work.

Week 33:

Sister Wendy:  pages 125, 135, 175, 296, 30, 482 (Matisse).

Complete Month by Month activities.

Complete Matisse Art Pak.

View film:  Sister Wendy’s Story of Painting:  Modernism

Week 34:

Sister Wendy:  pages 230, 394 (Rivera); 80 (Chagall).

Complete Month by Month activities.

Marc Chagall: Painter of Dreams, Natalie Bober - Library

Marc Chagall: What Colour is Paradise?  Elizabeth Lemke, et al - Library

Starting Home: the story of Horace Pippin, painter, Mary Lyons - Library

A Weekend with Diego Rivera, Barbara Braun – Library

Week 35:

Sister Wendy:  pages 27, 242, 248, 366 (Pollack).

Complete Month by Month activities.

Breaking Tradition: the story of Louise Nevelson, Natalie Bober - Library

Jackson Pollock, Leonie Bennett- Library

Week 36:

Sister Wendy:  322.

Read and complete activities in Famous Artists: Miro, Nicholas Ross.

Complete notebook work.

Websites used:

View You Tube videos of the Sistine Chapel.


1 comment:

Charlene said...

Thank you for this post! It is exactly what I was looking for :) You had mentioned that you have a list of terms and questions. Would I be able to get that? My email is belliesbabiesnmore @ Thanks!

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